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Sloan Foundation"Stanley Medical Research InstituteHelen Hay Whitney FoundationNotesCardiovascular DiseaseAlliance for Lupus ResearchAlzheimer's Association#American Academy of Otolaryngology)American Association for Cancer ResearchAmerican Cancer Society'American Institute for Cancer ResearchCystic Fibrosis Foundation&Juvenile Diabetes Research FoundationLUNGevity FoundationLymphoma Research FoundationMelanoma Research Alliance%Multiple Myeloma Research FoundationMuscular Dystrophy AssociationPrevent Cancer Foundation#Pulmonary Hypertension AssociationSimons FoundationSt. Baldrick's FoundationMission Statement&K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders AwardAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Lung AssociationAlabama EpscorResMed FoundationPfizer FoundationThe Brookdale Foundation Group consists of the Brookdale Foundation, Glendale Foundation, and Ramapo Trust.All three were endowed by the Schwartz family and all share a common outlook and purpose: to enhance the quality of life of America s elderly.Aged Research Focus\Gerontology:Primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa\Letter of Inquiry Requiredbrain, immunology, prionscancer\pediatricOur Current Research Interests are understanding and improving social settings such as families, schools, peer groups, and organizations, and studying how these social settings affect youth. Our Interests also focus on when, how, and under what conditions research evidence is used in policy and practice that affect youth, and how its use can be improved. In addition to our investigator initiated grants, which are accepted three times a year, we fund two fellowship programs and issue RFPs that align with our interests. Our current RFPs focus on the measurement of classroom quality and the use of research evidence in policy and practice. social interaction\policyaging, trainingThe largest privately funded education initiative of its kind in the United States, HHMI's grants program is enhancing science education for students at all levels, from the earliest grades through advanced training. Grants awarded by HHMI fit within two general categories: research grants for individuals and science education grants for institutions. Most HHMI grants are awarded through competitions that have specific objectives and eligibility criteria; thus, HHMI does not encourage and rarely funds unsolicited grant proposals.training, basic sciencesextensive list of fundingThe W.M. Keck Foundation makes grants to research institutions and accredited institutions of higher learning primarily in the areas of Science and Engineering and Medical Research. Eligible institutions in these fields are research universities, medical schools and major, independent scientific and medical research institutions. Private, predominantly undergraduate institutions may submit requests only if located in Foundation designated states. Organizations that address undergraduate needs at the national level are also eligible. Public institutions and research universities located in the designated states may apply to the Undergraduate Education Program but must demonstrate a compelling or unique resource to be competitive./Healthy birth weight,development, and education breast cancer+Advanced Medical Research Foundation, Inc. )American Federation for Medical Research >Cardiovascular Medical Research and Education Fund, Inc., The 2Children's Medical Research Foundation, Inc., The %Columbus Medical Research Foundation %Dystonia Medical Research Foundation ,Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, Inc. 'Stowers Institute for Medical Research basic medical sciences/neuroscience, education, basic medical sciences^Guided by the business philosophy and values of our Founders, we invest in innovative people and organizations to improve the lives of children, enable the creative pursuit of science, advance reproductive health, and conserve and restore earth's natural systems. Long-term goals and strategies guide our grantmaking across each of our program areas and their many components. In pursuing these goals, we continually monitor and adjust our strategies to accommodate for accomplishments and changes in the field, as well as in response to changes in the economy that affect our resources at the Foundation.reproductive & pediatric healthRuth Landes Memorial Foundationspinal cord injuriesleukemia, cancercancer%Citizens United Research for EpilepsyConcern FoundationElsa V. Pardee FoundationEpilepsy FoundationGilead SciencesMarch of DimesScleroderma FoundationName5A Hays Zieman and Christine B Zieman Charitable Trust(Abraham A Mitchell Charitable FoundationCAbraham A Mitchell Charitable Foundation Tr Mitchell Abraham A TteeAhepa 310 Benevolent Inc Ahepa Hippocratic Foundation Inc*Alberta J@Bauman Tuw FBO Shriners Hospital#American Council for Quebec Studies4B H Brumbalow Bh Tr U-W FBO Ft Gaines Baptist Church5B R Mosley and Virginia A Mosleycharitable FoundationBelle G Roberts Charitable TrBen May Charitable Trust!C D Helen & Jeff Glaze FoundationCagg Foundation Trust?Carl Buck Charitble Tr for Eyesight Foundation of AL 1055002289Carmel Health Network#Catherine D Albiez Charitable Trust&Catranis Fam Charitable Foundation Inc3Charles and Wanda Barnett Charitable Foundation IncChild Study Center IncChristian Outreach IncCole Foundation Trust!Coleman Charitable Foundation Inc,Crampton Scholarship Endowment Tr 1255000866Crampton TrustDarsey Family Foundation IncDavid R Dunlap Jr Memorial Tr"David R Dunlap Tr for Income Ttees(Davis and Debbie Pilot Family Foundation2Don Smith Diane Wendland Tr FBO Ala 4-H 1155000519%Dorothy D Trabits Stephens FoundationDr E Grace Pilot Foundation0Dreier Penrith Family Foundation Craig M Penrith&E A Roberts Charitable Tr 32-0013-01-4<E Mae Cartier Trust 1st Natl Bank Belleville Trust Dept TteeE Roy Albright FoundationEchols-Reynolds Memorial Fund&Elizabeth Fletcher Dishongh Chrtble Tr#Erie Hall Meyer Charitable Fund Inc&Ernest G Debakey Charitable FoundationEye Angels IncFellowship Ministries Inc'Francis H & Georgia B Stubbs Foundation(Francis P & Annie C Unkel Endowmwnt Fund8Frank Ladd Duvalle and Vivian Laverne Duvalle CharitableGenesis Foundation Inc"George and Dorothy Graf FoundationGrant County Orphans Home AssnGuy C Crampton Trust>Harold B Wetherbee Tr FBO Young Mens Christian Assoc of Albany.Harold B Wetherbeee Tr FBO Boys Club of AlbanyHarold L Harmeson Trust"Harry E Griswold Scholarships FundHearin-Chandler Foundation2Helen M Nelson Charitable Tr Langan Michael D Ttee1Helen Shanklin Tr Uw FBO Clinton County Charities#Hyman Foundation Hyman Jack MD Ttee!Hyman S & Sadye Jacobs Foundation)International Used Oil Research InstituteIone C Davis TrustIpsco Partners in Education8J A & Ophelia Killgore Scholarship Trust Fund 1155000555$J C Freels Scholarship Tr 2255000213(J Ernest Jackson Foundation 47-0052-01-0J L Bedsole Foundation;J L Bedsole Trust Uw FBO Mobile Infirmary Amsouth Bank Ttee8James S & Bessie F Dearmon Charitable Trust 47-0049-01-61James S & Bessie F Dearmon Foundation 60 0005 0110Jeanette E & Benjamin F Hunter Scholarship Trust4John E Rolston and Marie Rolston Brownlee FoundationJohn E Sadd Memorial Chapel.John L & Sarah H Nix Foundation Inc 4560000241John M Will Scholarship TrJohn R Lucash Scholarship TrustJohn W Laidlaw Foundation< 'Joseph B & Ellie W Cocke Memorial Trust Joseph N Langan Charitable Trust&Joseph Treadwell Charitable Foundation.Joy M and James Grodnick Charitable Foundation-Julian T Turner Charitable Trust 47-0072-01-YKate Kinloch Middleton Fund)Keith & Mildred Otterman Scholarship FundL Henrich Trust FBO Charities6Laura Sullivan Memorial Trust Texas American Bank TteeLee and Lois Vaughan FoundationLena Y Meharg Shcolarship TrustLillian C Mcgowin FoundationKLilly May Martin Endowment Fund for Brenau College Regions Bank Gainesville.Linn-Henley Charitable Trust Uw 593-3135000001#Lisa Mitchell Charitable Foundation/Lloyd Batre Scholarship Trust Fund 32-0016-01-7=Louis & Josie Forchheimer Memorial Foundation Tr Uw 320024011*Louise B Dismukes Charitable Tr 1055002831M W Smith Jr Foundation=Madge J Giddens Charitable Trust the Milikin National Bank ofPMarion A & Tallulah Dunlap Quina Charitable Foundation Quina Marion A Jr Co TteeMary P Redwine Tr Uw/Mattie Helen Elliott Scholarship Fund 43s389015*Maxine D Piano Charitable Trust 8355000055May Foundation/Mayer and Arlene Mitchell Charitable FoundationMcaleer Charitable FoundationMeek Beryl Memorial Trust3Melinda M and Steven Wertheim Charitable FoundationMerrill Tr Fund 4655000034Miller Foundation Inc7Milton J Womack Foundation Capital Bank & Trust Co TteeMitchell Foundation IncMobile Elder CareMobile Voa Home DevelopmentMoses FoundationMyrtie A Black Trust 475001012&N J Stallworth Testamentary FoundationNan H Altmayer Charitable Tr"Nearing Charitable Trust 43r6460199Omelia Foundation Charitable Tr Ua 082597 No 47-0076-00-1'Pauline B Buck Scholarship Tr 470012014&Pediatric River Foundation of Acadiana R J Dunn Jr Trust FBO Darlington*Ralph Lee Hill Charitable Trust 1655000064(Richard C Mitchell Charitable FoundationRichard D Wells Foundation9Robert Middleton Theological Endowment Trust 32-0017-01-5Roberts Charitable Foundation)Rodney and Jeanna Pilot Family FoundationRotary Children Foundation Inc!Roy C Moore Foundation 4555000018&Sam & Carrie Mcdonald Scholarship Fund Seamens Club of Mobile Inc Trust'Skyros Benevolent Society Tr 12550008029Society for the Establishment of Eschatological Knowledge*Spiegelberg Memorial Fund Hizer Villa TteeStanley & Eda Newhouse Fund"Thaddeus H Waterman Trust 15461403)The A Leon and Mary H Jeffreys FoundationThe Bynum Foundation!The Byrum Family Foundation Trust)The Cunningham Charitable Foundatio N IncThe E E Delaney Foundation Inc0The Mary Josephine Larkins Charitable FoundationThe Mosow Family Foundation8The Thomas Benton Barnett Memorial Charitable Foundation'The William and Joan Edmonds FoundationThomas L Turner Charitable TrTinsley B Tr Ua Charity#Trust Created U/W of George MarinosTuthill Square Foundation$University of Mobile Tuw J L BedsoleVibroplex Foundation Inc"W D Trippe Trust Inc Rm -655053007W R Alsobrook Scholarship Trust"Whiteaker Charitable Tr 47-8044019Wilcox FoundationBWilliam David Gwin Sr Fam Foundation Tr William David Gwin Sr Ttee@William G Helis Chapter 310 Order of Aheba Charitable FoundationBWilliam O Baldwin Trust FBO Lyman Ward Military Academy 10550018785Williams Charitable Foundation Donald F Williams TteeXoxo Stabler Foundation IncMobile County Foundations.The Advanced Medical Research Foundation was established in 1974 to help discover and persue better techniques to diagnose and treat cancer. The need today for improved treatment of cancer is immense. Even as smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis were overcome by the sustained and brilliant work of thousands of people, so cancer will be. But only if strong support continues to be given to the host of people currently searching for the knowledge that will lead us at last to victory. We, at the Advanced Medical Research Foundation, are one part of this great effort. We are growing. Already we have behind us a list of achievements in which we take great pride, and we are currently engaged on many fronts where breakthroughs are very possible. Vital as is our acquisition of new knowledge, it is equally vital in our eyes that this work be brought to the bedside of those in our care. These twin objectives are inseparable. AMFR is a leader in cancer and medical research here in Boston and nationwide and we are committed to finding ways to improve cures for cancer. UStem Cells, Mind\Body, Pelvic Cancers, Exercise, world epidemiology, child proteomicsThe long period required to earn a Ph.D. in much of science, and doubts about the suitability of present graduate training for non-academic jobs suggest that graduate schools might consider a different kind of graduate degree in addition to the Ph.D. In this program, the Foundation makes grants that encourage and promote the development of the Professional Science Master's degree, a two-year degree, heavily oriented toward coursework that provides a sound basis for work outside academia in scientific and technical fields. lupusThe Academy and its Foundation are committed to the future well-being of our members and their patients. In an effort to strengthen research support in all areas of otolaryngology, the AAO-HNSF has joined forces with several senior societies, foundations and sponsors to broaden research opportunities, and to streamline and enhance the research application and review process. The Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) serves as a central clearinghouse and facilitator for otolaryngology-head and neck surgery research programs.The mission of the AACR is to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, and collaboration. Through its programs and services, the AACR fosters research in cancer and related biomedical science; accelerates the dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others dedicated to the conquest of cancer; promotes science education and training; and advances the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world.The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service._Carnegie Corporation as a foundation that would  promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding. In keeping with this mandate, our work incorporates an affirmation of our historic role as an education foundation but also honors Andrew Carnegie's passion for international peace and the health of our democracy. While Mr. Carnegie s primary aim was to benefit the people of the United States, he later determined to use a portion of the funds for members of the British overseas Commonwealth. Currently, this area of our grantmaking focuses on selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa.The Children s Medical Research Foundation, Inc. was formed in July 1995 for the purposes of raising public awareness and funds to support medical and scientific research into the causes of, and cures for Sanfilippo Syndrome and other neuro-genetic diseases afflicting children.?Sanfilippo Synd< rome, neuro-genetic diseases afflicting childrenoThe Columbus Medical Research Foundation (CMRF) was founded in 1957 by Norman O. Rothermich MD and was under his leadership for the first 28 years. The purpose of the CMRF is to engage in, foster, and encourage basic and clinical research and to receive and administer funds for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes primarily in the field of rheumatology."The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a nonprofit donor-supported organization, is to assure the development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis and to improve the quality of life for those with the disease. The Foundation is the leading organization in the United States devoted to cystic fibrosis. It funds and accreditsmore than 115CF care centers,95 adult care programs and 50 affiliate programs, and more than 75 chapters and branch offices nationwide. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is one of the most efficient organizations of its kind. It has received a four-star rating for sound fiscal management fromCharity Navigator, the largest independent charity evaluatorin the United Statesand is an accreditedcharity of theBetter Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance.JFounded in 1976, the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving all people with dystonia and their families. Since its inception, the DMRF has grown from a small family-based foundation into a dynamic membership-driven organization led by a Board of Directors and network of volunteers with personal connections to dystonia. Because dystonia hits so close to home for our directors and volunteers, the DMRF leadership is motivated by an unrelenting drive to find a cure and an unwavering commitment to serving people affected by dystonia.dystonia6American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) aging, geriatricJDRF is a leader in setting the agenda for diabetes research worldwide, and is the largest charitable funder of and advocate for type 1 diabetes research. The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.diabetes Type 1`Foundation with Links when available lung cancer;CLL/SLL, Follicular Lymphoma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) multiple myeloma, cancerbOur mission isto advocate and support the prevention and early detection of cancer throughresearch, education and community outreach to all populations, including children and the underserved. We envision a future where cancer incidence and mortality will be significantly reduced through preventive measures. Wecarry out our mission in three main ways: funding research that helps us better understand how to prevent cancer; by educating people about how they can prevent cancer; and by reaching out to communities across the country through our resources, events and partnerships with other organizations.cThe grant s target audience is investigators who are interested in pulmonary hypertension research.UNDER DEVELOPMENTThe St. Baldrick's Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives.pediatric cancerThe Stanley Medical Research Institute (SMRI) is a nonprofit organization supporting research on the causes of, and treatments for, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Since it began in 1989, SMRI has supported more than $300 million in research in over 30 countries around the world. It is the largest nongovernmental source of funds for research on these diseases in the United States. schizophrenia* The purpose of the Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation is to: Find a cure for leukemia and allied cancers by means of awarding Discovery Grants for innovative developmental research projects; Provide for palliative care, Conduct marrow drives, Promote marrow donor and cord-blood donor education.The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is here to help support patients and their families as they battle the daily challenges of blood-related cancers. Ultimately the best assistance is finding cures. LLS is committed to attracting and funding outstanding investigators and research centers. We support hundreds of researchers doing basic and translational research into cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for epilepsy by raising funds for research and by increasing awareness of the prevalence and devastation of this disease.epilepsyThe Elsa U. Pardee Foundation was established in 1944 under the terms of the will of Mrs. Elsa U. Pardee, whose life was taken by cancer on October 2, 1944. Mrs. Pardee provided a $1 million trust fund "for the promotion of the control and cure of cancer." She directed that this bequest be used to support research in the field of cancer and to provide for others the advantages of new knowledge and techniques for the treatment of this related group of disabling and frequently lethal diseases.In support of the Epilepsy Foundation's goals within the strategic plan to increase the number of qualified scientists conducting epilepsy research; invest in targeted research areas, as well as research that will improve diagnosis and clinical care for people with epilepsy, the Research Committee and Professional Advisory Board (PAB) have identified priority areas of research for the future.mThe March of Dimes supports research aimed at preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.obesityMDA is the world's largest non-governmental sponsor of research seeking the causes of and effective treatments for neuromuscular diseases, sponsoring 330 research projects annually./The foundations listed below are all non-profit foundations which support the community through various grant mechanisms. The support does not necessarily health\medical\science research. These Foundations may or may not have webpages. At this point, the information below is all that is available. 'White Hall Foundation - Research GrantsThe purpose of the foundation, which was founded in 1965 by Paul F. Glenn, is to extend the healthy productive years of life through research on the mechanisms of biological aging. The Glenn Foundation does not solicit charitable contributions.7Advancing Research in Pulmonary and Respiratory DiseaseThe Whitehall Foundation, through its program of grants and grants-in-aid, assists scholarly research in the life sciences. It is the Foundation's policy to assist those dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily supported by Federal Agencies or other foundations with specialized missions. In order to respond to the changing environment, the Whitehall Foundation periodically reassesses the need for financial support by the various fields of biological research. The Foundation emphasizes the support of young scientists at the beginning of their careers and productive senior scientists who wish to move into new fields of interest. Consideration is given, however, to applicants of all ages. The chief criteria for support are the quality and creativity of the research as well as the commitment of the Principal Investigator (a minimum time allocation of 20% is required). The principal investigator must hold no less than the position of assistant professor, or the equivalent, in order to participate in the application process. The applicant need not be in a tenure track position but must be an independent researcher and have Principal Investigator status at his/her institution, usually construed as having lab space independent of another Principal Investigator.The Gabrielle Rich Leukemia Research Foundation was brought to life after Denise and Marc Rich's second daughter died from complications of leukemia treatments at the age of twenty-seven in 1996. Gabrielle Rich was a talented young woman, with degrees in philosophy and the performing< arts from Oxford and New York University. At the age of twenty-three she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease and went into remission following chemotherapy. Over the next three years she married, acted in various plays and films and was writing a screen play, when acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) was detected. In 1996, Gabrielle succumbed to the side effects of treatment. It was her wish that a leukemia foundation be created.The McKnight Foundation assists nonprofit organizations and public agencies to improve the quality of life for all people, particularly those in need. Through grantmaking, coalition-building, and encouragement of strategic policy reform, we aim to build and maintain vibrant communities; enrich people's lives through the arts; encourage protection of the natural environment; and promote research in selected fields. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants primarily to support original research and education related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. The Foundation believes that these fields and the scholars and practitioners who work in them are chief drivers of the nation's health and prosperity. The Foundation also believes that a reasoned, systematic understanding of the forces of nature and society, when applied inventively and wisely, can lead to a better world for all.!The mission of Alabama EPSCoR is to foster the growth of research capacity and capability in the state of Alabama in order to make the institutions of higher education more competitive for federal funding. The state's research institutions participating in EPSCoR include the University of Alabama (UA), Alabama A&M University (AAMU), Auburn University (AU), University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), Alabama State University (ASU), the о (USA) and Tuskegee University (TU).The Lupus Research Alliance unites the global lupus community in bold determination to free the world of lupus through the power of science. We will transform the lives of people affected by lupus as we welcome and embrace a new scientific era, pioneer innovation, push the frontiers of knowledge, enlist diverse new scientific talent, and lead the drive to new treatments, prevention and cure. The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia  by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.American Diabetes AssociationThe mission of the American Federation for Medical Research is to "develop and mentor tomorrow's leaders in medical research". @To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.Determined to Make aDifference. AICR champions research that increases understanding of the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer.We are focused on defeating lung cancer, creating a tobacco-free future, championing clean air for all and improving the quality of life for those with lung disease and their families. 1The CMREF mission of the fund is to support education activities that will enhance the knowledge of pulmonary hypertension, and research projects that may help uncover the causes and pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), in pursuit of the ultimate goal of its treatment core. #Christopher & Dana Reeve FoundationWe are dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by advancing innovative resaerch and improving the quality of life for the individuals and families impacted by paralysis.We support independent research on health care issues and make grants to promote better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency in health care, particularly for soceity's most vulnerable, including people of color, people with low income, and those who are uninsured. To accelerate breakthroughs, the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation provides today s best young scientists with funding to pursue innovative cancer research. We support emerging leaders who have great potential to achieve breakthroughs in how we diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. We are focused on high risk/high return research and invested in ideas that are already having significant impact. CureSearch For Children's CancerThe mission is to end childhood cancer by driving targeted and innovative research with measureable results in n accelerated time frame. The primary mission of the Research Foundation of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is to raise and award funds to support research and educational programs related to colon and rectal diseases. Over more thantwenty years, the Research Foundation has awarded over$6million to colorectal surgeons and researchers to investigate a broad spectrum of colorectal diseases and to develop novel surgical techniques pertinent to the care of colorectal patients.Since 1947, The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship has been providing independent postdoctoral research support to young biomedical scientists. The Foundation recognizes and encourages independent thinking, creativity, and passion for scientific discovery. The HHWF Fellowship Program has excelled at nurturing young scientists, who go on to contribute significantly to the advancement of biomedical research, in many cases with landmark discoveries recognized by major awards.The Henrietta B. and Frederick H. Bugher Foundation,was established during Frederick Bugher's life to support research in cardiovascular disease. The foundation was created in honor of both of Mr. Bugher's parents who suffered from heart ailments. The Bugher foundation supports cardiovascular research primarily in the United States. In 1984 the foundation sought the guidance of the American Heart Association in identifying a focus for its research support. The partnership between the Bugher foundation and the American Heart Association has continued since then and together we feel we have improved the field of cardiovascular research.DTo improve the care of older adults. We believe that as a society we can and must improve care for older adults to better meet their needs and maintain their independence and dignity. If we succeed, society will benefit from the continuiing contribution of older people and from overall reductions in health care spending. JThe K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education and who are committed to academic innovation in the areas of equity, community engagement, and teaching and learning. This is issued under the Association of American Colleges and UniversitiesILUNGevity Foundation is firmly committed to making an immediate impact on increasing quality of life and survivorship of all people diagnosed with lung cancer by accelerating research into early detection and more effective treatments, as well as providing community, support, and education for all those affected by the disease.OThe Lymphoma Research Founda<tion (LRF) is the nation s largest lymphoma-focused health organization devoted to improving care through education and support services and improving outcomes through investment in the most promising lymphoma research. Our mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve all those impacted by this blood cancer.MRA s mission is to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and its translation in order to eliminate suffering and death due to melanoma. MRA research awards fulfill this core mission by providing an important and unique source of funding that addresses the gap in translational science, which is a critical stage in moving scientific discoveries into tools and treatments for patients.The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) drives discoveries for new treatments, accelerates groundbreaking clinical trials and fuels the most robust data-driven initiatives in cancer research. Our goal is to find acurefor each and every patient diagnosed with multiple myeloma.$Parker B. Francis Fellowship ProgramA charitable organization founded by Pfizer Inc., the Foundation provides funding and resources to support programs that nurture science and innovation, reduce the threat of disease, strengthen healthcare capacity, ensure access to quality care, address immediate disaster and humanitarian health needs, and enhance the community involvement of Pfizer colleagues. The impact of these programs is significant and far-reaching, impacting millions of people around the globe annually.The mission of the ResMed Foundation is to promote novel research as well as public and physician awareness of sleep disordered breathing (SDB), with a primary focus on positive airway pressure therapies and ventilation-based treatments. In addition, and in recognition of ResMed's commitment to its local community, the Foundation provides support for STEM and Arts education within San Diego County. The Foundation is a private charitable 501 (c) (3) foundation organized under United States Law.Grantsare available for individuals and institutions. Funding preference will be given to research proposals on the specific subjects reflected in theRuth Landes Bibliography. Special consideration will be given to applicants who work within Landes-related materials, includingthe papers and unpublished manuscripts at the NAA. Applications for publication subventions and multi-year grants will be considered.NThe mission of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research is to make a significant contribution to humanity through foundational biomedical research by expanding our understanding of fundamental biological processes and by using this knowledge to guide the development of innovative approaches to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.Our mission is to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropic organization dedicated to advancing understanding about the brain in health and disease through research grants and public outreach.The Donaghue Foundation supports rigorous health research that leads to realized health benefits and thereby gives the vision of Ethel Donaghue its best expression.jThe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation's larget philanthropy dedicated soley to health. greducing inequality, improving the use of research evidence, conneccting, research, policy and practicemepilepsy genetics, post-traumatic epilepsy, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, infantile spasms initiativeConcern Foundation provides critical funding to post-doctoral cancer researchers focused primarily on cancer genetics, cell biology, and immunology for all forms of cancer prevention and treatment&cancer genetics, prevention, treatmentcancer researchoGilead Sciences actively supports research efforts conducted by third parties on Gilead's marketed products or within therapeutic areas of interest to the company. This research can provide valuable information regarding the safety, efficacy, pharmacology, and tolerability of Gilead's products and supplement the comprehensive data generated in registration studies.,cell therapy, hepatitis delta, HIV treatment-Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation@Improving lives by supporting excellence in orthopaedic researchscleroderma researchCurrently, we budget an average of $1 million per year for research funding, our single largest budgeted expense. The Scleroderma Foundation takes its fiduciary responsibility to donors very seriously, especially with regard to our research grant program. In the case of research funds, the Foundation's Peer Research Review Committee, composed of medical experts on scleroderma from around the world, helps determine which proposals will be funded by reading, analyzing and ranking all proposals received.To promote innovative research, effective and accessible care, and public health initiatives that will reduce the personal and societal burden of obesity.The W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports children, families and communities as they strengthen and create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.Bugher Foundation, The5Brookdale Leadership in Aging Fellowship Program, TheDana Foundation, The&David & Lucile Packard Foundation, TheDonaghue Foundation, The!Gabriella Rich Leukemia Fund, The&Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation, The!Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, TheMcKnight Foundation, TheObesity Society, The#Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, TheThe Simons Foundation s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. The Simons Foundation s support of science takes two forms: We support research by making grants to individual investigators and their projects through academic institutions, and, with the launch of the Flatiron Institute in 2016, we now conduct scientific research in-house, supporting teams of top computational scientists.The American Diabetes Association Research Foundation raises major contributions to fund diabetes science conducted through the Association s Research Program. With 100% of donations directed to diabetes research, our vision is to ensure the availability of financial resources necessary for the full exploration of all the scientific possibilities that will improve the lives of all people with diabetes, while moving us closer toward a cure. 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