Trauma Nursing Core Course


Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is a standardized, interactive course recognized internationally for providing the learner with core-level trauma knowledge and skill experience. TNCC integrates the trauma nursing process into the content.


Course Types

Provider Course is a one-and-one-half day course that includes online pre-course modules, didactic lecture, a skills test, and an online exam. Registered RNs who pass the skills test and online exam will receive contact hours and a 4-year TNCC verification. Non-RN students who complete the course will receive contact hours.

TNCC Provider Renewal Course is a one-day course designed for registered nurses who hold a current TNCC verification. It includes online pre-course modules, classroom presentations including the Trauma Nursing Process (TNP) teaching scenarios, a skills test, and an online cognitive assessment (exam). Registered nurses who attend the course will receive contact hours. After successfully completing the skills test and online cognitive assessment, they will receive a 4-year TNCC verification.

Instructor Course is a one-day course for TNCC providers that includes online pre-course modules and lecture. Instructor candidate status is awarded upon completion of the course evaluation.


Course Formats

In-Person Courses deliver both the didactic lecture and skills test in-person.

Virtual Courses deliver both the didactic lecture and skills test virtually. Virtual courses are synchronous, where instructors and students attend the course together at the same time.

Hybrid Courses deliver the didactic lecture virtually, with the skills test administered in person.

Satellite Site Hybrid Courses incorporate virtual didactic learning and in-person skills station testing at more than one site.


Request a Class

To request a class, please email Shana M. Noland with your name, phone number, the name of your facility, and the number of expected participants. After confirming your class, please pay using the link below: