Mitchell Cancer Institute and Medical Sciences Building Equipment Inventory

This searchable inventory is designed to help researchers locate equipment in the College of Medicine Medical Sciences Building and Mitchell Cancer Institute, along with contact information. Search this database using the A-Z listing or by typing keywords into the gray search bar. Note that only equipment with a purchase cost of $15,000 or more is listed.

IMPORTANT: Permission must always be sought from the lab housing the instrument before any use.  

If you find errors in the database, please contact Skye Andrade in the Office of the Associate Dean For Research, skyeandrade@southalabama.edu

Equipment Name Location and Contact Information Categories Index
Agilent 1200 HPLC
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095
Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility

Contact: Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9860

Agilent 1200 HPLC, Equipment Type: Core Research, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility A
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
Purchase Date: 4/11/2019
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3411
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, Purchase Date: 4/11/2019, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Grant Supported Purchase A
Agilent AS480-1 X IHC Stainer
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118
USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

Agilent AS480-1 X IHC Stainer, Year of Purchase: 2021, Core Research, Mitchell Cancer Institute, USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility A
AMG Evos FL inverted microscope
Year of Purchase: 2013
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

AMG Evos FL inverted microscope, Year of Purchase: 2013, Core Research, Mitchell Cancer Institute, BioImaging Core Research Facility


Analytical Microbalance
Purchase Date: 6/4/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3331
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

Analytical Microbalance, Purchase Date: 6/4/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology A
Andor Rev DSD2 Hybrid Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope System
Purchase Date: 12/18/2014
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3048
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

Andor Rev DSD2 Hybrid Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope System, Purchase Date: 12/18/2014, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology A
Andor Revolution WD Confocal Microscope
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3022
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Andor Revolution WD Confocal Microscope, Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, BioImaging Core Research Facility A
Art-Robbins Gryphon Crystallization Robot
Purchase Date: 4/22/21

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2403
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Christopher Davies, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 341-3826

Art-Robbins Gryphon Crystallization Robot, Purchase Date: 4/22/21, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology A
Beckman Avanti J-301 Centrifuge
Purchase Date: 3/6/2009
Equipment Type: Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3434
Department of Pharmacology

Beckman Avanti J-301 Centrifuge, Purchase Date: 3/6/2009, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Pharmacology B
Beckham LS6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter 
Purchase Date: 2/29/1996

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2412
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

Beckham LS6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter, Purchase Date: 2/29/1996, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D., Wito Richter, Ph.D. B
Beckman Coulter Industrial Robotic Integrated System (IRIS) high throughput screening system
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute 

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Beckman/Coulter Industrial Robotic Integrated System (IRIS) high throughput screening system, Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Mitchell Cancer Institute B
Beckman-Coulter Optima XPN-100 ultracentrifuge

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3402
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

Beckman-Coulter Optima XPN-100 ultracentrifuge, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology B
Beckman Low Speed Centrifuge
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Contact: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-6915

Beckman Low Speed Centrifuge, Equipment Type Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120,  Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D. B
Beckman Ultracentrifuge
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Beckman Ultracentrifuge, Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120, Ajay Singh, Ph.D. B
Bio-Rad Imaging Systems (2)
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133 and 3088

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Bio-Rad Imaging Systems, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment,  B
Bio-Rad RT-PCR
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2139

Contact: Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 471-7719

Bio-Rad RT-PCR, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D. B
Biotek Cytation 7
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute 3125

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Biotek Cytation 7, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. B
Biotek Epoch 2 Absorbance Plate Reader
Purchase Date: 11/13/2020
Equipment Type: MSB Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2150
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biotek Epoch 2 Absorbance Plate Reader, MSB Shared Equipment, Biochemistry, Medical Sciences Building B
Biotek Neo2S multimode Plate Reader System
Purchase Date: 11/13/2020

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2415
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Mark Swingle, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6855

Biotek Neo2S multimode Plate Reader System, Purchase Date: 11/13/2020, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Mark Swingle, Ph.D. B
Biotek Synergy4 Plate reader
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2145

Biotek Synergy4 Plate reader,  Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Seema Singh, Ph.D. B
Purchase Date: 8/15/2011
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2265-B
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6789

BIORAD CFX96 Real Time PCR, Purchase Date: 8/15/2011, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D. B
Blackrock NeuroSort System
Purchase Date: 5/11/2012

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2025
Department of Neurology

Blackrock NeuroSort System, Purchase Date: 5/11/2012, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Neurology B
BTX Electro Cell Manipulator ECM 2001
Purchase Date: 10/31/1997
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2166
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

BTX Electro Cell Manipulator ECM 2001, Purchase Date: 10/31/1997, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Comparative Medicine, Wito Richter, Ph.D. B
C1000 Real Time PCR Thermocycler
Purchase Date: 4/21/2009

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2265-A
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Contact: Rob Barrington, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 461-1718

C1000 Real Time PCR Thermocycler, Purchase Date: 4/21/2009, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Rob Barrington, Ph.D. C
Caliper IVIS Spectrum Imaging System 
Year of Purchase: 2011
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 0970

Caliper IVIS Spectrum Imaging System, Year of Purchase 2011, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building C
Carl Zeiss Axioplan Microscope
Purchase Date: 5/30/1990
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2025
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Carl Zeiss Axioplan Microscope, Purchase Date: 5/30/1990, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology C
Carl Zeiss Microscope 
Purchase Date: 5/11/2010

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2404
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Carl Zeiss Microscope, Purchase Date: 5/11/2010, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen C
Celsee Prep100 CTC isolation system
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute

Contact: Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories
Phone: (251) 461-1718

Celsee Prep100 CTC isolation system, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, research core C
Cellilink Inkcredible +3D Bioprinter
Year of Purchase: 2017
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 0004

Cellilink Inkcredible +3D Bioprinter, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Ajay Singh, Ph.D. C
Cell-Substrate Sys/Ecis 1600R
Purchase Date: 12/19/2003
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3402
Department of Physiology & Cell Biology

Contact: Sarah Sayner, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6959

Cell-Substrate Sys/Ecis 1600R, Purchase Date: 12/19/2003, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Sarah Sayner, Ph.D. C
CEQ 8800 Genetic Analysis System
Purchase Date: 4/24/2006

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3411-A
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

CEQ 8800 Genetic Analysis System, Purchase Date: 4/24/2006,  C
ChemiDoc Imaging System
Purchase Date: 5/19/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3086
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

ChemiDoc Imaging System, Purchase Date: 5/19/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. C
ChemiDoc SRX System, PC
Purchase Date: 3/14/2008
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2235-B
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

ChemiDoc SRX System PC,  Purchase Date: 3/14/2008, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology C
CliniMACS Plus Instrument
Purchase Date: 9/18/2007

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3424
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Raymond J. Langley, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

CliniMACS Plus Instrument, Purchase Date: 9/18/2007, Medical Sciences Building, Pharmacology, Raymond J. Langley, Ph.D. C
Confocal Microscope System TCS SP2
Purchase Date: 6/20/2001
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3028
Bioimaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Confocal Microscope System TCS SP2, Purchase Date: 6/20/2001, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Bioimaging Core Facility C
Cryosafe Units (North)
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Cryosafe Units (North), Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120, Ajay Singh, Ph.D. C
Cryosafe Units (South)
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Cryosafe Units (South), Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. C
CUS-1 Glove Incubator Glove box
Year of Purchase: 2013
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2105

CUS-1 Glove Incubator Glove box, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment C
DelsaMax and Zeta Potential Analyzer
Year of Purchase: 2014
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2139

DelsaMax and Zeta Potential Analyzer, 2014, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Ajay Singh, Ph.D. D
Digital CCD Camera (Hamamatsu)
Purchase Date: 8/16/2002
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2196
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Digital CCD Camera (Hamamatsu), Purchase Date: 8/16/2002, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology D
DMT Pressure Myograph System 110P
Purchase Date: 7/9/2013
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3048
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

DMT Pressure Myograph System 110P, Purchase Date: 7/9/2013, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mike Lin, Ph.D. D
DMT Wire Multi-Myograph System 620M
Purchase Date: 7/11/2013
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3215
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mark Taylor, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6817

DMT Wire Multi-Myograph System 620M, Purchase Date: 7/11/2013, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mark Taylor, Ph.D. D
Droplet Digital PCR System QX200
Purchase Date: 1/20/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2265B
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6789

Droplet Digital PCR System QX200, Purchase Date: 1/20/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D. D
DSI Data Exchange Matrix Telemetry System
Purchase Date: 4/28/2014
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3048
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

DSI Data Exchange Matrix Telemetry System, Purchase Date: 4/28/2014, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mike Lin, Ph.D. D
EasyLife LS system
Purchase Date: 9/11/2006

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3140
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Abu Bakr Al-Mehdi, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8166

EasyLife LS system, Purchase Date: 9/11/2006, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Abu Bakr Al-Mehdi, Ph.D. E
EPC 10 Double Patch Clamp Amplifier
Purchase Date: 3/22/2006
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3028
Bioimaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

EPC 10 Double Patch Clamp Amplifier, Purchase Date: 3/22/2006, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Bioimaging Core Facility E
Eppendorf Micromanipulator
Purchase Date: 8/5/1999
Equipment Type: Core Research, Grant Supported Purchase 

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3030
Bioimaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Eppendorf Micromanipulator, Purchase Date: 8/5/1999, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, BioImaging Core Research Facility, Grant Supported Purchase E
Epredia HM525 NX Cryostat EC70 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Core Research

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

Epredia HM525 NX Cryostat EC70, Year of Purchase 2020, MCI 3118 Contact Biobank, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118, research core E
Epredia Tissue Processor STP 120 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

Epredia Tissue Processor STP 120, Year of Purchase 2020, MCI 3118, Contact USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118, research core E
EVOS FL Microscope Imaging System (2)
Year of Purchase: 2015
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3088 and 3125

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

EVOS FL Microscope Imaging System, 2015, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Robert Sobol E
Evos Microscope
Year of Purchase: 2013
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Contact: Robert A. Barrington, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 461-1718

Evos Microscope, 2013, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, research core E
EVT Aerosol Generation System TC5 
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute

EVT Aerosol Generation System TC5,  Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute E
Flexercell Tension Plus System FX-4000T
Purchase Date: 7/19/2007
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3168
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Flexercell Tension Plus System FX-4000T, Purchase Date: 7/19/2007, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, BioImaging Core Research Facility F
FlexiVent FV-CSS2-02 
Purchase Date: 12/8/2006

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3250
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Mark Taylor, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6817

FlexiVent FV-CSS2-02, Purchase Date: 12/8/2006, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Mark Taylor, Ph.D. F
Fluorescence Photometry System
Purchase Date: 9/23/1997
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3056
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

Fluorescence Photometry System, Purchase Date: 9/23/1997, Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mike Lin, Ph.D. F
Focused-Ultrasonicator #500295 M220 
Purchase Date: 8/13/2019
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3411
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

Focused-Ultrasonicator #500295 M220, Purchase Date: 8/13/2019, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Mark Gillespie, Ph.D. F
Purchase Date: 3/3/1995
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase 

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2430
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

FPLC, Purchase Date: 3/3/1995, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry F
Fuji Imaging System
Purchase Date: 1/6/2003
Equipment Type: Shared Equipment, Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2150

Fuji Imaging System, Purchase Date: 1/6/2003, Shared Equipment, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Shared Equipment F
Gel Blot Imaging System
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3088

Gel Blot Imaging System, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment G
Genomics 10x Chromium Controller

Medical Sciences Building and Mitchell Cancer Institute
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Genomics 10x Chromium Controller, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, Medical Sciences Building, Mitchell Cancer Institute G
Glomax Luminometer
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2145

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9897

Glomax Luminometer,  Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos G
HPLC System LC-20AT
Purchase Date: 6/8/2010
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2125
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

HPLC System LC-20AT, Purchase Date: 6/8/2010, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology H
HPLC System/Spectrometer
Purchase Date: 12/17/2003
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2025
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

HPLC System/Spectrometer, Purchase Date: 12/17/2003, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology H
Hypoxia Chamber
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2104/2105

Hypoxia Chamber, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Shared Equipment, Ajay Singh H
Imaging System
Purchase Date: 4/18/2001

Medical Sciences Building, Room 1036

Contact: Michele Schuler, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6239

Imaging System, Purchase Date: 4/18/2001, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Comparative Medicine, Jonathan Scammell, Ph.D., Michele Schuler, D.V.M., Ph.D. I
Imaging System
Purchase Date: 7/12/1995

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2414-A
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

Imaging System, Purchase Date: 7/12/1995, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Wito Richter, Ph.D. I
InCyt Standard IM Fluorescence Imaging System
Purchase Date: 7/3/2007
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3086
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

InCyt Standard IM Fluorescence Imaging System, Purchase Date: 7/3/2007, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. I
Initiator Exp Microwave System
Year of Purchase: 2012
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3094

Initiator Exp Microwave System, 2012, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute I
Integra VIAFLO 384 Pipetting Station 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3088

Integra VIAFLO 384 Pipetting Station, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute I
Inverted Microscope Olympus
Purchase Date: 3/4/1999
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3030
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Inverted Microscope Olympus, Purchase Date: 3/4/1999, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, BioImaging Core Research Facility I
InVivo 300 Hypoxia Workstation
Purchase Date: 9/30/2007

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2327
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Sarah L. Sayner, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6959

InVivo 300 Hypoxia Workstation, Purchase Date: 9/30/2007, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Sarah L. Sayner, Ph.D. I
Keyence BZ-X810 Fluorescence Microscope 
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118

Contact: Simon Grelet, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 665-8000

Keyence BZ-X810 Fluorescence Microscope, Lab-Specific equipment, Simon Grelet, Ph.D. K
Kimtron IC-320 Irradiator Cabinet
Purchase Date: 7/22/2013

Medical Sciences Building, Room 1045-C Vivarium

Kimtron IC-320 Irradiator Cabinet, Purchase Date: 7/22/2013, Medical Sciences Building, Vivarium, Department of Microbiology K
Kryovault 1 System
Purchase Date: 8/28/2017
Equipment Type: Core Research, Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3208
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6789

Kryovault 1 System, Purchase Date: 8/28/2017, Core Research, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology Gene Delivery Core, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. K
LCC Plus Chromatography
Purchase Date: 4/14/1993
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2434
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

LCC Plus Chromatography, Purchase Date: 4/14/1993, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D. L
Purchase Date: 1/7/2020

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2174
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

LEICA CM1860 UV CRYOSTAT, Purchase Date: 1/7/2020, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry L
Leica Cryostat CM 1850
Purchase Date: 4/28/2000
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 0918

Leica Cryostat CM 1850, Purchase Date: 4/28/2000, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Jonathan Scammell, Ph.D. L
Leica VT1200S Vibratone Line
Purchase Date: 12/14/2012

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3048
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

Leica VT1200S Vibratone Line, Purchase Date: 12/14/2012, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mike Lin, Ph.D. L
Liquid Chromatography System
Purchase Date: 9/22/1998

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2424 (in cooler)
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Mark Swingle, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6855

Liquid Chromatography System, Purchase Date: 9/22/1998, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Mark Swingle, Ph.D. L
Liquid Nitrogen Vapor Storage System
Purchase Date: 2/29/2008
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3327
Center For Lung Biology

Liquid Nitrogen Vapor Storage System, Purchase Date: 2/29/2008, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology L
Liquid Scintillation Counter
Purchase Date: 5/7/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2412
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Liquid Scintillation Counter, Purchase Date: 5/7/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D. L
Luminescence Spectrophotometer LS-508
Purchase Date: 5/23/1995
Equipment Type: Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3114
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Luminescence Spectrophotometer LS-508, Purchase Date: 5/23/1995, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology L
Luminex 200 IS Systems
Year of Purchase: 2008
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3125

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Luminex 200 IS Systems, 2008, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. L
Mass Spectrometer W/Surveyor
Purchase Date: 8/13/2002
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3116
Department of Pharmacology

Mass Spectrometer W/Surveyor, Purchase Date: 8/13/2002, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology M
MESO QuickPlex SQ 120MM Reader
Purchase Date: 9/15/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3250
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Amy Nelson, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-7004

MESO QuickPlex SQ 120MM Reader, Purchase Date: 9/15/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Amy Nelson, Ph.D. M
MHz 400 NMR spectrometer
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute

Contact: Marie Migaud, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 445-9860

MHz 400 NMR spectrometer, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Marie Migaud, Ph.D. M
Microcalorimeter VP-ITC
Purchase Date: 9/20/2002
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3114
Department of Pharmacology

Microcalorimeter VP-ITC, Purchase Date: 9/20/2002, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment M
Microscope Vanox Olympus AHSB-F
Purchase Date: 7/18/1988
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3086
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

Microscope Vanox Olympus AHSB-F, Purchase Date: 7/18/1988, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. M
MMI Cell Cut Plus laser micro-dissection microscope system
Year of Purchase: Pre-2010
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

MMI Cell Cut Plus laser micro-dissection microscope system, 2010, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core M
Model Vis-UV-355 PS Diode Laser System
Year of Purchase: 2015
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Model Vis-UV-355 PS Diode Laser System, 2015, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core M
MPC-200 Sutter Micromanipulators
Purchase Date: 11/2/2012
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3048
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mike Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6816

MPC-200 Sutter Micromanipulators, Purchase Date: 11/2/2012, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mike Lin, Ph.D. M
Multiprobe II HT EX
Purchase Date: 1/17/2003
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2412
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

Multiprobe II HT EX, Purchase Date: 1/17/2003, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D., Wito Richter, Ph.D. M
Nanodrop UV/Vis
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133

Contact: Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 471-7719

Nanodrop UV/Vis, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D. N
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133

Nanostring, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment N
Nexcelom CeligoS microplate-based imaging cytometer
Year of Purchase: 2011
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3082
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Contact: Robert A. Barrington, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 461-1718

Nexcelom CeligoS microplate-based imaging cytometer, 2011, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3082, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, research core N
NGC Chromatography System
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3079

Contact: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-6915

NGC Chromatography System, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D. N
Nikon A1r resonant laser scanning confocal microscope
Year of Purchase: 2016
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon A1r resonant laser scanning confocal microscope, Year of Purchase 2016, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103,  Contact BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Nikon A1rsi laser scanning spectral confocal microscope 
Year of Purchase: 2011
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon A1rsi laser scanning spectral confocal microscope, Year of Purchase 2011, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087,  Contact BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Purchase Date: 8/26/2010
Equipment Type: Core Research, Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3040
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

NIKON A1RSI SPECTRAL CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE, Purchase Date: 8/26/2010, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, BioImaging Core Research Facility, Grant Supported Purchase N
Nikon Eclipse SMZ1500 Microscope
Year of Purchase: 2008
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2102
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon Eclipse SMZ1500 Microscope, Year of Purchase 2008, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2102, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E 
Year of Purchase: 2008
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E, Year of Purchase 2008, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087,  Contact BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Nikon Microscope #999-150
Purchase Date: 5/27/2021

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3176
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Thomas Rich, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6039

Nikon Microscope #999-150, Purchase Date: 5/27/2021, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Thomas Rich, Ph.D. N
Nikon Microscope upgrade
Purchase Date: 1/2/2013
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2432
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Nikon Microscope upgrade, Purchase Date: 1/2/2013, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D. N
Nikon N-SIM Structured Illumination Super-Resolution Microscope
Year of Purchase: 2011
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon N-SIM Structured Illumination Super-Resolution Microscope, Year of Purchase 2011, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3087, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Nikon TE2000-U Microscope 
Purchase Date: 7/24/2007

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3176
Center For Lung Biology

Contact: Thomas Rich, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6039

Nikon TE2000-U Microscope, Purchase Date: 7/24/2007, Medical Sciences Building, Center For Lung Biology, Thomas Rich, Ph.D. N
Nikon TE-2000E automated wide-field epi-fluorescence microscope
Year of Purchase: Pre-2010
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2102
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon TE-2000E automated wide-field epi-fluorescence microscope, Year of Purchase 2010, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2102, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Nikon TE2000E2 Cell Imaging System
Purchase Date: 8/30/2006

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2432
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Nikon TE2000E2 Cell Imaging System, Purchase Date: 8/30/2006, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D. N
Nikon TE200 Microscope
Purchase Date: 3/25/2005
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3028
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon TE200 Microscope, Purchase Date: 3/25/2005, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, BioImaging Core Research Facility N
Nikon TE300 Microscope
Purchase Date: 5/9/2000

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2414A
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

Nikon TE300 Microscope, Purchase Date: 5/9/2000, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Comparative Medicine, Wito Richter, Ph.D. N
Nikon TS100F fluorescent imaging microscope
Year of Purchase: 2008
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Nikon TS100F fluorescent imaging microscope, Year of Purchase 2008, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core N
Odyssey Infrared Imaging System
Purchase Date: 1/14/2008
Medical Sciences Building, Room 2168
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Odyssey Infrared Imaging System, Purchase Date: 1/14/2008, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry O
OKO Labs Microscope Incubation System
Purchase Date: 11/21/2017

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2333
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Sarah L. Sayner, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6959

OKO Labs Microscope Incubation System, Purchase Date: 11/21/2017, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Sarah L. Sayner, Ph.D. O
Olympus Inverted Microscope 1X70
Purchase Date: 7/11/1996
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3030
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Olympus Inverted Microscope 1X70, Purchase Date: 7/11/1996, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, BioImaging Core Research Facility O
Olympus IX71 FL.-Phase Microscope
Purchase Date: 12/10/2008

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2412
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Richard Honkanen, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6402

Olympus IX71 FL.-Phase Microscope, Purchase Date: 12/10/2008, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Richard Honkanen, Ph.D. O
Olympus Microscope B-MAX 50
Purchase Date: 8/8/1994
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2196
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Olympus Microscope B-MAX 50, Purchase Date: 8/8/1994, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology O
On-Chip Biotechnologies Microfluidic Cell Sorter (3 laser 6 color)
Year of Purchase: 2018
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Contact: Robert A. Barrington, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 461-1718

On-Chip Biotechnologies Microfluidic Cell Sorter (3 laser 6 color), 2018, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, research core O
On-Chip Biotechnology Single Cell Plating System (SPiS)
Year of Purchase: 2018
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Contact: Robert A. Barrington, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 461-1718

On-Chip Biotechnology Single Cell Plating System (SPiS), 2018, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3085, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, research core O
Optima L-80 XP Ultracentrifuge
Purchase Date: 1/22/2008
Equipment Type: MSB Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2156
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Optima L-80 XP Ultracentrifuge, Purchase Date: 1/22/2008, MSB Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry O
Optima L-100 XP Ultracentrifuge
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Optima L-100 XP Ultracentrifuge, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, common O
Optima TLX,CE,TableTop Ultracentrifuge
Purchase Date: 3/3/2008
Equipment Type: MSB Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2150
Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Optima TLX,CE,TableTop Ultracentrifuge, MSB Shared Equipment, Biochemistry, Medical Sciences Building O
Oroboros Oxygraph 2k
Purchase Date: 12/20/2010
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2265-B
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6789

Oroboros Oxygraph 2k, Purchase Date: 12/20/2010, Grant Supported Equipment O
Oxycycler Controller
Purchase Date: 3/14/2005

Medical Sciences Building, Room 1036

Contact: Michele Schuler, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6239

Oxycycler Controller, Purchase Date: 3/14/2005, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Comparative Medicine, Jonathan Scammell, Ph.D., Michele Schuler, D.V.M., Ph.D. O
Oxygraph-2k 2000
Purchase Date: 1/10/2005
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3415
Department of Surgery

Contact: Larry Lee, M.D.
Phone: (251) 471-7117

Oxygraph-2k 2000, Purchase Date: 1/10/2005, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Larry Lee, M.D. O
Port Nose Only Exposure System (24)
Purchase Date: 6/4/2021
Equipment Type: Research Center

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3331
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

Port Nose Only Exposure System (24), Purchase Date: 6/4/2021, Research Center, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Center For Lung Biology, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. P
PTI QM-6 Spectrofluorometer 
Purchase Date: 2/15/2002

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3140
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Abu Bakr Al-Mehdi, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8166

PTI QM-6 Spectrofluorometer, Purchase Date: 2/15/2002, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Abu Bakr Al-Mehdi, Ph.D. P
Prep Ultracentrifuge L8-80M
Purchase Date: 4/14/1989
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Adjacent to Room 3411
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Prep Ultracentrifuge L8-80M, Purchase Date: 4/14/1989, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology P
Prime 95B CMOS Camera 
Purchase Date: 3/21/2018
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3176
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Thomas Rich, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6039

Prime 95B CMOS Camera, Purchase Date: 3/21/2018, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Thomas Rich, Ph.D. P
Ratiomaster Spectrometer System
Purchase Date: 8/13/1996
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3030
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Ratiomaster Spectrometer System, Purchase Date: 8/13/1996, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, BioImaging Core Research Facility R
Real-Time PCR iQ5 System
Purchase Date: 2/12/2007
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase 

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3411-A
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

Real-Time PCR iQ5 System, Purchase Date: 2/12/2007, Grant Supported Purchase, Mark Gillespie, Ph.D., Medical Sciences Building, Pharmacology R
Real Time PCR System ICycler
Purchase Date: 12/11/2008

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3411
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Mark Gillespie, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6497

Real Time PCR System ICycler, Purchase Date: 12/11/2008, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mark Gillespie, Ph.D. R
Revolve4 Microscope, Upright & Inverted #FJSD4001
Purchase Date: 11/11/2020
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3250
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Amy Nelson, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-7004

Revolve4 Microscope, Upright & Inverted #FJSD4001, Purchase Date: 11/11/2020, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Amy Nelson, Ph.D. R
Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer
Purchase Date: 10/16/2019
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2264
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mikhail F. Alexeyev, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6789

Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer, Purchase Date: 10/16/2019, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Flow Cytometry Shared resource Laboratories S
Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer S7800B 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2145

Contact: Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 471-7719

Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer S7800B, 2020, Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Room 2145, Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D. S
Seahorse Analyzer
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2145

Contact: Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 471-7719

Seahorse Analyzer, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D. S
Scintillation Counter System LS 6500
Purchase Date: 9/30/2002
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3434
Department of Pharmacology

Scintillation Counter System LS 6500, Purchase Date: 9/30/2002, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Pharmacology S
Scanscope Digital Microscope,
Model: Aperio CS2
Purchase Date: 12/17/2020

Mitchell Cancer Institute
Department of Pathology

Contact: Santanu Dasgupta, PhD
Phone: 251-471-7719

Scanscope Digital Microscope, Model: Aperio CS2, Purchase Date 12/17/2020, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Department of Pathology, Santanu Dasgupta S
Single Pressure Myograpy Chamber
Purchase Date: 3/30/2004

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3248
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Mark Taylor, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6817

Single Pressure Myograpy Chamber, Purchase Date: 3/30/2004, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Mark Taylor, Ph.D. S
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9897

Sonicator, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment,  S
SpectraMax iD5 Standard Microplate Reader
Purchase Date: 5/14/2018

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3100
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

SpectraMax iD5 Standard Microplate Reader,
Purchase Date: 5/14/2018, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
SpectraMax M5 microplate/cuvette reader
Purchase Date: 4/25/2006
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3114
Department of Pharmacology

SpectraMax M5 microplate/cuvette reader, Purchase Date: 4/25/2006, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment S
Spectra-Physics Hi Press Liq C
Purchase Date: 1/6/1992

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3086
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Contact: Troy Stevens, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6056

Spectra-Physics Hi Press Liq C, Purchase Date: 1/6/1992, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Surgery, Troy Stevens, Ph.D. S
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS
Purchase Date: 5/22/2000
Equipment Type: Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3114
Department of Pharmacology

Spectrophotometer UV-VIS, Purchase Date: 5/22/2000, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology S
Stereotaxic Mouse Injection System
Year of Purchase: 2017
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Medical Sciences Building, Room 0915

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Stereotaxic Mouse Injection System, 2017, Lab-Specific, Medical Sciences Building, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. S
Synergy 2 Multi-Detection Microplate Reader
Purchase Date: 9/4/2008

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2414
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Wito Richter, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 414-8298

Synergy 2 Multi-Detection Microplate Reader, Purchase Date: 9/4/2008, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Biochemistry, Wito Richter S
Synergy H4 Plate reader
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3111
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Synergy H4 Plate reader, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. S
TA Instruments ITC
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, 3rd Floor

Contact: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-6915

TA Instruments ITC, 2021, Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D. T
TE2000U Microscope 
Purchase Date: 4/26/2002
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3145
Department of Pharmacology

TE2000U Microscope, Purchase Date: 4/26/2002, Grant Supported Purchase, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology T
Tecans Plate reader
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2133

Contact: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-6915

Tecans Plate reader, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D. T
ThalesNano Flow Hydrogenation Reactor 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute

ThalesNano Flow Hydrogenation Reactor, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute T
Thermo CryoPlus 4 Vapor Phase Starter Kit 
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Lab-Specific

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2120

Thermo CryoPlus 4 Vapor Phase, Lab-Specific, Mitchell Cancer Institute T
Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL LC-MS/MS
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095
Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility

Contact: Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9860

Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL LC-MS/MS, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095, Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility, research core T
Thermo MSQ plus LC-MS/MS
Year of Purchase: 2017
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095
Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility

Contact: Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9860

Thermo MSQ plus LC-MS/MS, 2017, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095, Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility, research core T
Thermo Rotary Microtome HM 325A
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118
USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

Thermo Rotary Microtome HM 325A, Year of Purchase 2020, MCI 3118 Contact Biobank, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3118, research core T
Thermo Q Exactive Plus LC-MS/MS
Year of Purchase: 2014
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095
Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility

Contact: Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9860

Thermo Q Exactive Plus LC-MS/MS, 2014, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2095, Mass Spectrometry Core Research Facility, research core T
Touch of Life Diagnostic Arthroscopy Simulator
Purchase Date: 2/19/2013

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3145
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology

Touch of Life Diagnostic Arthroscopy Simulator, Purchase Date: 2/19/2013, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology T
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2145

Q3 RT-PCR, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Seema Singh, Ph.D. Q
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3125

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 3111
Department of Pharmacology

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

Q7 RT-PCR, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. Q
Qiagen TissueLyser II 
Year of Purchase: 2020
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107
USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

Qiagen TissueLyser II, Year of Purchase 2020, MCI 2107, Contact Biobank, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107, research core Q
QIAcube Connect 
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107
USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

QIAcube Connect, Year of Purchase 2021, MCI 2107 Contact Biobank, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107, research core Q
QIAxcel Advanced System 
Year of Purchase: 2021
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107
USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility

Contact: USA Health Biobank and Histology Core Facility
Phone: (251) 445-9881

QIAxcel Advanced System Year of Purchase 2021, MCI 2107 Contact Biobank, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2107, research core Q
Ultra View Confocal Microscope System RS-3
Purchase Date: 3/25/2005
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3028
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Ultra View Confocal Microscope System RS-3, Purchase Date: 3/25/2005, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building,Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, BioImaging Core Research Facility U
WIZARD2 Gamma Counter
Purchase Date: 1/14/2011
Equipment Type: Shared Equipment

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3402
Department of Physiology & Cell Biology

Contact: Sarah Sayner, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6959

WIZARD2 Gamma Counter, Purchase Date: 1/14/2011, Shared Equipment, Medical Sciences Building, Department of Pharmacology, Sarah Sayner, Ph.D. W
X Rad 320 Biological Irradiator
Year of Purchase: 2013
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2105
Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

Contact: Luanne Oliveira Galanopoulos
Phone: (251) 445-9887

X Rad 320 Biological Irradiator,  Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Robert Sobol, Ph.D. X
X-ray diffraction (Bruker D8 Quest X-ray generator, CMOS detector, Oxford cryostat, Formulatrix NT8, dropsetter, Rock Imager I
Equipment Type: Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment

Mitchell Cancer Institute

Contact: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-6915

X-ray diffraction Bruker D8 Quest X-ray generator, CMOS detector, Oxford cryostat, Formulatrix NT8, dropsetter, Rock Imager I, Mitchell Cancer Institute Shared Equipment, Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D. X
Zeiss Axioskop 40 upright histology microscope
Year of Purchase: Pre-2010
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Zeiss Axioskop 40 upright histology microscope, 2010, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core Z
Zeiss Axioskop Microscope
Purchase Date: 1/11/2005
Equipment Type: Core Research

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3032
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Zeiss Axioskop Microscope, Purchase Date: 1/11/2005, Core Research, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, BioImaging Core Research Facility Z
Zeiss Axiovert 200M automated wide-field epi-fluorescence microscope
Year of Purchase: 2003
Equipment Type: Core Research 

Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103
BioImaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Zeiss Axiovert 200M automated wide-field epi-fluorescence microscope, 2003, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Room 2103, BioImaging Core Research Facility, research core Z
Zeiss Axiovert Microinjection 35
Purchase Date: 8/24/1989
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2265-C
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Contact: Ron Balczon, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 460-6776

Zeiss Axiovert Microinjection 35, Purchase Date: 8/24/1989, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building, Physiology and Cell Biology, Ron Balczon, Ph.D. Z
Zeiss LSM 980 microscope with Airyscan
Purchase Date: 12/8/2020
Equipment Type: Grant Supported Purchase

Medical Sciences Building, Room 3028
Bioimaging Core Research Facility

Contact: Joel Andrews, Ph.D.
Phone: (251) 410-4927

Zeiss LSM 980 microscope with Airyscan, Purchase Date: 12/8/2020, Grant Supported Purchase, Medical Sciences Building,

Department of Pharmacology

ZetaView® TWIN - NTA Nanoparticle Tracking - Video Microscope PMX-220 Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories
Medical Sciences Building and Mitchell Cancer Institute
ZetaView® TWIN - NTA Nanoparticle Tracking - Video Microscope PMX-220, Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories, Medical Sciences Building, Mitchell Cancer Institute Z