Past Events

My Lai and Moral Injury. This symposium featured presentations by members of USA's faculty and remarks by Jennifer
Haytock, Professor and Chair of English at SUNY Brockport. An afternoon panel featured
veterans of the Vietnam and more recent conflicts.

Martin Parsons, Former Director of the Research Centre for Evacuee and War Child Studies at the
University of Reading, spoke about his groundbreaking work studying the trauma of
war as it affects children. While visiting USA, he also sat down with Steve Trout
to record a podcast for the War & Memory podcast series.

Douglas Bristol, Jr., Professor of History at the University of Southern Mississippi and its spoke about his book, "Integrating the US Military: Race, Gender, and Sexuality since
World War II." While visiting USA, he also sat down with Susan McCready to record
a podcast for the War & Memory podcast series.

France and the Memory of the Great War. This Interdisciplinary Conference featured a keynote address by Annette Becker, Universit茅
Paris Ouest Nanterre la D茅fense.

Bradley Prager, of the University of Missouri gave the keynote at the symposium "The Holocaust in
Memory and History鈥 on September 7. This daylong event intersected with this year's
Common Read/Common World selection, Art Spiegelman's The Complete Maus and was made possible by funding from the M茅morial de la Shoah.

Andrew Wies, Charles W. Moorman Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Southern
Mississippi, addressed a symposium that also featured USA Faculty, members of the
Mobile South Asian community, and Vietnam veterans.

Benjamin Cloyd, author of Haunted by Atrocity, gave the keynote address in a daylong symposium featuring talks by USA Faculty members
Mel McIven and Elizabeth Richards-Rivenbark and Carol Ellis, Director of the McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Nimrod Frazer spoke on November 4 about his 2014 book, Send the Alabamians: World War I Fighters
in the Rainbow Division.

John Morrow (University of Georgia) spoke on September 7, 2014 about his book, Harlem's Rattlers, and the Great War, The Undaunted 369th Regiment and the Quest for
African-American Equality (co-authored with Jeffrey T. Sammons).

An interdisciplinary panel in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak
of World War I featured John Morrow (University of Georgia) and USA Faculty members Susan McCready (French), Daniel Rogers (History) and Steven Trout (English). Frye Gaillard (USA Writer in Residence) moderated the discussion. September 8, 2014

, an international conference, co-hosted by the 秘密研究所 Gender
Studies Program, featured keynote address by Jennifer Haytock (SUNY-Brockport) and a panel discussion with women military veterans. The conference
addressed multiple conflicts and nationalities from the perspectives of multiple disciplines.
March 27-29, 2014.

On March 6, 2013, noted literary critic and cultural historian Philip Beidler (University of Alabama) gave an interdisciplinary presentation titled "The Vietnam
War, American Remembering, and the Measure of Sacrifice, Fifty Years Later."

In the Pacific: The World War II Journal and Photography of David Dejarnette edited by Sarah Dejarnette Caldwell, 2013.

Robert Rook (Towson University) gave the inaugural lecture for the Center for the Study of War
and Memory on November 15, 2012. He spoke on "War, Memory, and Globalization: North
Korea and Arab War Commemorations."