Color Guard FAQs

Color Guard performing at game.
  • When will auditions for the Color Guard be held?

Virtual auditions for the 2024 Jaguar Color Guard will be due on Saturday, April 20, 2024. In order to audition, students must be fully admitted to USA and fill out the

  • Do Color Guard members receive a scholarship?

Yes, all members receive a $2100 annual renewable scholarship.  Scholarships increase by $200.00 for each year of service to the JMB (maximum of four years).  There are no dues, fees, or fundraising, and all equipment is provided. 

  • How many students will be chosen for the Color Guard?

We have no set number to choose for the Color Guard. We are interested in quality rather than quantity. ALL candidates will be judged on the essential elements listed on the "About" page, in addition to their work ethic and ATTITUDE! 

  • Is there an age limit?

Yes. Students may not exceed the age of 28 as of August 1 of the audition year.

  • The audition process requires that I make up a short routine. I don’t write work very well. Will that affect my passing the audition?

No. We are not interested in your writing ability. We are interested in your performance ability and if you have invested time and thought into your presentation. Your writing ability will not be judged. 

The Jaguar Marching Band will have equipment available. You may want to bring equipment that you are familiar with to perform your individual routine. Everyone will use our flag poles for the group routine. 

  • Do I need to have props for my individual routine?

No. Props are not allowed. 

  • What size flag poles does the Color Guard use?

We use 6 foot poles. 

  • What size rifles and sabers does the Color Guard use?

We use 39" rifles and 39" King sabers.

  • Are there any requirements for auditioning?

In order to audition for the Jaguar Color Guard, you must be a current USA student or have been accepted to the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù as a transfer student or a freshman for this coming fall. The age cap for students selected into the USA Color Guard is 28 as of August 1 of the audition year.  Current JMB Color Guard members who are entering their third season or above do not need to reaudition (but do need to fill out the JMB Intent Form).  JMB Winterguard members from the current season do not need to reaudition.

  • What do I have to wear for the audition?
    • Black Leotard
    • Black dance shorts or leggings (tights or pantyhose are optional)
    • Black or beige split sole jazz shoes
    • Hair and makeup should be performance ready
  • What does the audition consist of?

Your audition consists of an individual prepared routine and a group routine. Your individual routine should be set to music that you bring on either your phone or an MP3 player (we can connect any 1/8 stereo headphone jack to our sound system).  We can also connect to your phone by bluetooth if needed. The routine should be no longer than two minutes. Once your individual routine is complete, all of the auditionees will learn the group routine in front of the judges.

  •  Can I include auxiliary equipment (sabre/rifle) in my individual routine?

Yes. Any additional auxiliary equipment highlighted in your individual routine (sabre/rifle) should only add 30 seconds to your total routine time per piece of equipment.  No more than one minute of extra time, please!

  • Is there anything I can practice to enhance my chances of passing the audition?

You can stay current on all the equipment fundamentals you have learned. Movement is an important part of all our work! You might want to consider taking a dance class to enhance your skills in that area.  In addition, you can look at the many technique videos we have on the "About" page under the "Color Guard" tab.

  • Are there any height and weight requirements, or an appearance standard?

Appearance and physical fitness are very important in the Jaguar Color Guard. Appearance includes personal grooming, poise, and posture. All Color Guard members should look well proportioned in their uniform. We DO NOT have specific height and weight requirements; however, auditionees should be in healthy physical condition and able to meet the physical demands of our performances. The Jaguar Marching Band Color Guard is a visual part of the Jaguar Marching Band as well as represents the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù. All those selected as members of the color guard will agree to uphold the Appearance and Performance Standards set by the Director of the JMB. These standards include but are not limited to: performing all required choreography, maintaining a healthy physical condition (refer to the above information), and adhering to the uniformity of the group as set by the Jaguar Marching Band Color Guard Director. Failure to meet these standards may result in probation or dismissal from the group at the discretion of the Color Guard Director and the Director of the Jaguar Marching Band.

  • If I am selected for the Color Guard, will I be able to receive credit for band?

Yes. All band members receive one-hour credit. You must register for band. 

  • Are there any fees associated with being in the Band or the Color Guard?

There are no fees associated with being a member of the Jaguar Marching Band. All travel and hotels are funded  by the University. Your pre-game and halftime uniforms, as well as your warm-up suit, will be furnished by the band at no expense to you. In addition, all gloves, silks, poles, dry-cleanings, band apparel, and more are provided by the band. You pay nothing. 

  • When will I find out if I am selected?

Registration and a brief meeting will be held at the beginning of the day of auditions. The auditions will continue after a lunch break and the group routine will be held in the afternoon. When the results are tabulated that afternoon, the color guard selections will be immediately posted. 

  • If I am selected, do I have to participate in all performances of the USA Jaguar Marching Band?

YES! As a member of the Jaguar Marching Band Color Guard, you are expected to participate in all performances. You will also be expected to follow and adhere to all rules, policies, and procedures in the Jaguar Marching Band Handbook as well as the course syllabus. 

  • If I am selected, do I have to attend Band Camp in August?

YES! Attendance at Band Camp is required! (Certain exceptions are made for students marching drum corps)

  • What is the rehearsal schedule after classes begin?

On Mondays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm the Color Guard will hold their sectional to work ahead on the show. The band will rehearse with you Wednesday through Friday from 4:00pm until 6:00pm, and on Saturday prior to football games. There are no additional rehearsals or sectionals. 

  • What must I do to apply?

You must be admitted to the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù before you apply to audition. You can sign up to audition on the