Jaguar Marching Band Alumni Society Bylaws








Section 1: All members as defined in the Constitution of the Jaguar Marching Band Alumni Society (JMBAS) shall have the following membership rights and privileges: 

  1. May hold office on the Board with membership in the USA National Alumni Association;

  2. Are eligible to take part in all JMBAS activities;

  3. May bring business before the Board; and

  4. May attend any Board meeting.




The nomination and election of Officers to the Board shall be governed by the procedures below:

Section 1:  The Executive Committee as established in Article VI shall nominate candidates for all Officer positions due for election from the JMBAS membership at least thirty days in advance of the semi-annual meeting held during the weekend of Homecoming.

Section 2:  Any member of the JMBAS may challenge any Executive Committee nomination by nominating themselves for an Officer position in writing delivered to the JMBAS at least thirty days before the General Meeting. 

Section 3:  The Executive Committee shall present to the JMBAS membership the nominees for each office at least thirty days prior to the General Meeting. 

Section 4:  The election will be held at the General Meeting.  The vote will be by voice or hand of those members in attendance unless secret ballot is requested by any member of the JMBAS.  Any votes received by mail, email, or through the JMBAS website in advance of the General Meeting will also be tallied at this time. 

Section 5:  No proxy votes will be permitted.

Section 6:  A plurality vote received by any nominee will constitute a victory.  In the event of a tie in the election for any Office, the Executive Committee shall recast their votes.  The nominee receiving the most votes from the Executive Committee shall be deemed elected to such Office.

Section 7:  All elections shall be deemed ratified unless they are challenged at the General Meeting.

Section 8:  All Officers elected shall assume office on the first day of the next Fiscal Year.




Section 1:  All Officers’ terms as described below will follow the JMBAS Fiscal Year.

Section 2:  No person may hold more than one office at any one time. The Members-at-Large, Secretary, Treasurer, and Technology Officer shall be eligible for election (or appointment, as the case may be) to the same office for two consecutive terms.  No Officer may hold the same office for three or more consecutive terms.

Section 3:  The terms of office for each Officer are set forth below:

  1. The President of the Board shall serve a two-year term immediately following their two-year term as President-Elect.

  2. The President-Elect shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be elected following the procedures described in Article II.  Immediately following this two-year term, the President-Elect shall become President of the Board without further nomination or election.  At the time of ratification of these Bylaws, the next election for the position of President-Elect shall occur in 2017, and every two years following.

  3. The Secretary of the Board shall serve a three-year term and shall be elected following the procedures described in Article II.  At the time of ratification of these Bylaws, the next election for the position of Secretary shall occur in 2017 and every three years following.

  4. The Treasurer of the Board shall serve a three-year term and shall be elected following the procedures described in Article II.  At the time of ratification of these Bylaws, the next election for the position of Treasurer shall occur in 2017 and every three years following.

  5. Members-at-Large shall be elected for three-year terms and shall be elected following the procedures described in Article II.  The election schedule for terms for the Members-at-large is as follows:

    Member-at-Large Election Years

    Pre-2009 (Jaguar Pep Band)

    2018, 2020, 2023


    2018, 2021, 2024


    2018, 2020, 2023


    2019, 2021, 2024

    Community Leader

    2018, 2021, 2024

  6. The Technology Officer shall serve a three-year term and shall be appointed by the President of the Board with approval of the President-Elect and the Director of the Jaguar Marching Band (Director).  At the time of ratification of these Bylaws, the next appointment for the Technology Officer position shall occur in 2018 and every three years following.

  7. The President Ex-Officio shall serve a two-year term immediately following their two-year term as President of the Board.

  8. The Director, Associate Director, and Assistant Director of the Jaguar Marching Band, as well as the Director of Bands at the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù (if different) shall serve permanently on the Board.

Section 4:  An Officer may be removed from office at any time by a ¾ vote of the Board.  A motion to remove an Officer from office must be motioned and seconded by members of the Board.  Prior to the vote, the Officer whose removal is pending shall have an opportunity to address the Board in writing or in person as the circumstances dictate.  The vote to remove an Officer shall be conducted anonymously in writing and tallied by the President, unless the President is the Officer whose removal is pending, in which case the vote shall be tallied by the President-Elect.  Any position vacated pursuant to this Section 4 shall be filled in the manner provided in Article III, section 5.

Section 5:  An Officer may resign at any time during their term by submitting written notification to the President, President-Elect, and Director.  The President shall appoint a new Officer to fill the vacated position with the approval of the President-Elect and Director.  This person shall remain in office until the term of the original Officer has expired.  At that time, the appointed person may be elected to the position as described in Article II, and may serve as a Board member in accordance with this Article III.




Section 1:  Each Officer shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Each Officer may bring business to the Board for discussion
  2. Each voting Officer shall have one vote for all matters voted on by the Board.
  3. Each Officer may chair and/or serve on any committee.

Section 2:  The roles and responsibilities for each Officer of the Board are as described below:

  1. President:  It shall be the responsibility of the President to chair the semi-annual meetings and to preside at all general sessions thereof.  It shall be the responsibility of the President to represent the JMBAS at appropriate occasions or to appoint a representative in his/her place when the organization is invited to send a delegate, or deems it in the best interest of the organization. 

  2. President-Elect:  It shall be the responsibility of the President-Elect to assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s resignation or removal from office or absence at any applicable JMBAS functions. 

  3. Secretary:  The Secretary shall be responsible for recording meeting minutes at each of the semi-annual Board meetings and distributing the minutes to all members of the Board.  The Secretary shall be responsible for the timely compilation of articles for newsletters to members of the JMBAS.  The Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping and archival of all JMBAS records.

  4. Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be primarily responsible for appropriately managing all incoming and outgoing funds of the JMBAS for any JMBAS activities.  The Treasurer shall have signature authority for all JMBAS bank transactions, which transactions shall be approved in writing by the President in advance.  The Treasurer is responsible for managing the JMBAS’s account(s) for financial transactions that occur over the Internet.  The Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the Board at each semi-annual meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for registration during JMB Alumni or Homecoming events.

  5. Members-at-Large:  Members-at-Large serve as a liaison between the Board and the JMB members from their assigned era, as well as the University and greater Gulf Coast community.  This may include, but is not limited to, issuing periodic communications to the JMB members, or community/university interest they represent, and bringing business to the Board on behalf of their constituents. 

  6. Technology Officer:   The Technology Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the JMBAS website.  This includes, but is not limited to, the regular postings of news and events, the online store, and JMB Alumni Band registration.  The Technology Officer shall also maintain the listserv of JMBAS member email addresses and is responsible for sending emails to the listserv.

  7. President Ex-Officio:  The President Ex-Officio shall assume the responsibilities of the President should the President and President-Elect be unable to perform those responsibilities at any applicable JMBAS functions. 

  8. The Director, Associate Director, and Assistant Director of the Jaguar Marching Band, as well as the Director of Bands at the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù (if different) shall serve permanently on the Board.




Section 1:  All meetings shall be presided over by the President and the Director.  Robert’s Rules of Order shall provide procedural authority over all Board meetings.

Section 2:  The Board shall meet semi-annually at the following times: 

  1. During the spring semester on a date to be determined by the President and the Director, on the campus of the ÃØÃÜÑо¿Ëù.

  2. During the weekend of Homecoming at a location to be determined by the Board during the spring semester meeting.

Section 3:  The General Meeting will take place the weekend of Homecoming.  The date, time, and location of the General Meeting shall be announced by the Board at least thirty days in advance of the meeting.

Section 4:  Any regularly scheduled Board meeting shall be canceled and rescheduled if less than ¾ of the Officers are in attendance. Ad hoc meetings may be called by the President or Director at any time during the Fiscal Year and may occur over the Internet, conference call or any other available medium. 

Section 5:  For any matters that require a vote by the Board, at least ¾ of the Officers must be available to cast their vote.  No proxy votes of Board members are allowed.  However, any Board member that wishes to vote on a pending matter may do so by notifying the President in advance of the applicable meeting.




Section 1:  The Executive Committee is responsible for conducting any business of the Board between meetings of the Board unless the Board specifically requires full Board action on designated business items. Business conducted by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board and ratified by the Board at its next regular meeting.

  1. The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the President.

  2. The Director of the JMB and Director of Bands shall be permanent members of the Executive Committee.

  3. The Executive Committee shall have no fewer than four members including the Committee chair, the Director, the Director of Bands, the President-Elect, the President Ex-officio and no more than two Director appointees, each of whom shall be members of the Board.

  4. A majority of the Executive Committee members constitute a quorum for the conducting of business.

  5. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary and any member may call a meeting of the Executive Committee, to be held at a place and time as the members may agree. Minutes of each meeting shall be compiled by a designated Secretary to the Executive Committee and reported to the Board.

Section 2: The Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for the publication of the JMBAS Newsletter.  The Secretary shall chair the committee.

Section 3: Additional committees shall be established as the President or Director may designate from time to time.  A committee may also be established by a majority vote of the Board.  All Committees shall operate on an ad hoc basis and shall, subject to further affirmative vote or designation, expire at the close of the Fiscal Year.




The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended following the procedures as described below: 

Section 1:  Amendments to the Constitution of the JMBAS.

  1. Any member of the JMBAS may propose in writing amendments to the Constitution of the JMBAS.

  2. All proposed amendments to the Constitution must be presented to the Board. 

  3. All proposed amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board present at a duly called meeting.

  4. All proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be discussed and voted upon following submission of the proposed amendment.

  5. Amendments to the Constitution will take effect immediately upon passage as provided above, unless otherwise specified in the amendment.

Section 2: Amendments to these Bylaws.

  1. Amendments to these Bylaws of the JMBAS may be proposed in writing by any Officer of the JMBAS Board.

  2. All proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted to the Board. 

  3. All proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be discussed and voted upon following submission of the proposed amendment.

  4. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board.

  5. Amendments to the Bylaws will take effect immediately upon passage as provided above, unless otherwise specified in the amendment.



These Bylaws are to be set in place at the first meeting of the JMBAS on Homecoming weekend of 2018. These Bylaws were ratified in Spring of 2017 by the USA National Alumni Association Executive Board. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Constitution of the Jaguar Marching Band Alumni Society unless otherwise specified.